Friday, January 13, 2006

Atheist support of Evolution and their attack on Chirstmas....My Perspectives....

By Jasen M (a.k.a. the Staple)

Recently, the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools has been shown to be unconstitutional. Not a surprise. Now, I don’t want to start World War 3, but I have started this page to share MY views. I am not a scientist, I am not a pastor, I am not a scholar or journalist. I am, by some folk’s standards, the lowest form of scum on Earth, a Car Salesman. I sell BMW's right outside of Chicago, so I am not claiming to be an expert on anything. This is my first post, and I hope to have many more, as I welcome all viewpoints. (I love to debate) Thanks for your time!!!!

LET ME FIRST START WITH the CLAIM OF "...Because Intelligent Design is religion, based on faith, NOT science, and the class the disclaimer was to be read in was Science class, not Religion class. Please, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against religion or faith, but they are not science. However, I'm also not sure what the big deal is. Certainly anyone who has faith in God can easily believe that evolution was created and set in motion by God?"

Ok, I'm a big fan of the TV show "LOST", and there is a funny link here, when Locke and Jack are arguing, and Locke says to Jack, "Do you know why we don’t see eye to eye, Jack? Because you are a man of science (Jack is a Doctor), and I'm a man of Faith." Now, it is correct that Intelligent Design IS based on FAITH. It is WRONG, however, if you think that it is NOT based on science. Science has NOT DISPROVEN CREATION IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM, and to say that it has is plain WRONG and a LIE! Evolution as a Theory has proven one thing and one thing ONLY.... and that is that Evolutionary Theory ITSELF evolves rapidly. In fact, most of what was thought true or probable only 5-10 years ago has been either proven wrong or altered mightily.

Example - Jurassic Park, the blockbuster film from only 8 years ago portrayed Raptors as lizard like, based on the most recent science. Now, the wackos at Discovery channel portray them as vicious chickens. In fact, there are NO links between ANY species of ANY era showing "in betweens" or "links". NONE!!!! Also funny is that many "experts" who try to bring up 'in-betweeners' as proof of evolution (most common used are horses and Archaeopteryx) have differing views from others whom are also IN SUPPORT of evolution. (There are a couple of great books on this topic, one is written by Ken Ham, and is called "The Genesis Solution"; and the other is called "Refuting Evolution", by Jon Sarfati) If evolution is true, (which means the "Big Bang" is also true, though there is strong evidence to the contrary, and likely why you hear little of it anymore) then the Bible is FALSE! Both sides of a coin cannot land up.

Now, why do I believe that the historical record in early Genesis was meant to be taken in a literal way? My answer is based on the fact that Genesis states Adam and Eve were created by God on day six, and NOT evolved by day six. Adams rib was used to spawn Eve. There is no other way to quantify this other than literally. Some Christian-evolutionists (oxymoron) try, and say that Adam was the first man to have a soul, or a rational thought, and he was the first man God showed himself to, and enlightened to His existence. You can try to make up ideas all you want, but again, there is no grey area here, you MUST choose a side, and that is my point here, as I am disgusted by the 'p.c.ness' around me, the idea that you can sit on the fence and watch others in an agnostic way. You must choose because then He created Eve from Adam’s rib, as Genesis says, and putting together the idea of Adam being the first to be enlightened and then making Eve makes no sense. Could you have only males for billions of years then have females created all of a sudden? Or maybe the males evolved into intelligence quicker…. (The ACLU would love that one) Of course not! Pick a side!!!!

Genesis claims that the world was created in 6 LITERAL days, (the 7th being the day of rest, framework for our week) not 6 days in God's eyes or some other time warp. My evidence of this is that death was not existent on Earth until after the first sin, eating from the Tree of Life. Even the eating of meat was not allowed until Noah's flood. If anyone can explain to me how you can have natural selection over 4.5 billion years without meat eating or death? You CANNOT, so therefore, you must either believe the Bible is truth, or NOT truth; you cannot sit on the fence here. There is no possible agnostic, or 'in between' forms in this either.... Ying or Yang, right or wrong.

The choice is in this matter, whether to believe in evolution or not to believe the way the world wants you too, is yours, but you CAN’T choose both. That would be like saying I’m a die-hard fan of both the Yankees and the Red Sox, or both the Bears and the Packers. Belief in evolutionary fact on any level is a choice, and in and of itself it can be seen as a "RELIGIOUS" choice.... the choice to believe the Bible is NOT LITERAL, and that therefore there is no need to follow it, OR ANY PART OF IT. If God didn't create as he said he did, then Christ was not the true Savior, and we can flush the whole idea, as the Bible is only a nice piece of literature. No wonder atheists attack Genesis so frequently, how much easier it will be to defend their own self-godhood if they can destroy the foundation of the Bible.

Again, I am NOT here to prove Creation, only to state facts, and the facts say that the ACLU and other organizations push evolutionary fact down our throats so often we almost believe it by default, or by common sense, since that is the only thing ever presented to us in our schools, on television, or anywhere outside of your local Sunday School. It should be noted that Creationists believe that evolution observed today is actually degeneration from a once perfect world. Remember, Genesis says that God looked at his creation and it was good. Not that He looked at his creation and it was “aiight”. Neither group of scientists, no matter their bias, was around 4.5 billion years ago. The technology we use to "prove" or even disprove evolution is man made, therefore not perfect, and based on beliefs that are man made, therefore open to point of view. So why present evolution as a undeniable fact? There must be a motive for this.... right? At least the Bible gives us a Historical record…. and like Locke, I’m a man of faith, I just chose to have faith in God, not a carbon dating machine.

The Judge seeing over the case in Dover called the practice of Intelligent Design "INANITY". (STUPIDITY) Most of us don't use this word; in fact, it's use shows profound distaste. Was teaching an alternative to natural selection such a heinous crime? Sounds to me like the wrong man was seeing over the trial, and it looks like he was setting his own agenda. (Yes, I know Bush appointed him) I wonder if His Honor is aware that there are rocks formed in volcanic eruptions 30 years ago, and we KNOW the dates, but carbon dating placed them as 300,000 years old.... HMMMM.... Some folks will do anything to justify Atheistic beliefs. One Professor was quoted as saying; "It is a priority for us to find a scientific explanation for the origin of life, outside of biblical guidelines, as we cannot allow a Divine foot in the door." Too bad we can't teach differing points of view, and let kids choose for themselves. These selective liberals, like the ACLU, force Evolution down our children’s throats!

There is even a book written for use by science teachers to rebut and solidify evolutionist views, complete with ways to handle Creationist students. It is called "Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science" So, they force the ideas down our children’s throats that NON-LIVING gas and chemicals became LIVING CELLS, and that FISH have become PHYSICIANS over 4.5 BILLION YEARS thanks to the equivalent of a COSMIC FART! So, they say, there can't be a God, or a truth to the Bible, we have Evolution, and we proved it, and we can do whatever we like, answering to no one but ourselves and the law of the land. Yes, Christ did live, we don’t deny that, say the Evolutionists, but he was not God, so why give him any respect.... Not surprisingly, they also want to drive all reference of Christ out of another American tradition....

CHRISTMAS - This is more open to your opinions, and I am NOT offended by "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" or "SEASONS GREETINGS" but I choose to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS", and I do not feel that I am forcing Christ down Liberal throats by saying it! Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings are more P.C. terms, this is true, but the ACLU and the liberal left only uses P.C. if being P.C. in a particular case meets their AGENDAS or BIASES, which I believe is CLEARLY to drive all Godliness and Biblical reference from our society! No wonder the American family has degenerated to its current form!!!! SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE, RIGHT? Since when is a store like Wal*Mart or Target considered "State?" Both recently stopped using signs or advertising saying "Merry Christmas", after pressure by groups supported by the ACLU. The claim, basically, was they did not want to force religion down our throats. WHAT???? Since when does a banner mean you are FORCING anything on anyone? If you are not Irish are you offended by being wished a "HAPPY ST. PATTYS DAY"? If you were, you'd be looked at as a weirdo, or even worse, a bigot.

Let's see, now, why is it that these pay no mind to Halloween, apparently it is o.k. to have kids dress up as the Devil, but in Illinois recently they would not allow a child to come to class dressed as Moses, complete with rock tablets and staff. Now who is forcing whom again? This school can get away with this, buried as a page 25 stories in the papers, yet it's front-page news when the ACLU bashes the Christians for attacking Halloween? Was it not that child’s civil liberty to dress as he wanted for Halloween? Where was the ACLU then? The answer is they were practicing their politics.... liberal politics. Think about this, churches are not traditionally liberal (though some are) because churches in general believe in the Bible, a book they believe is a sham, as stated in the above section on Evolution, so, what do these liberal atheists do? THEY ATTACK!!!! The question becomes Why?

I believe they have to attack, because all Christianity to them is anti-liberal, and definitely anti-atheist. Again, if the Bible is literal and valid, then the atheists cannot be correct in their standpoints, and of course they cannot allow any opposition to their narrow-minded philosophies. According to them, we can kill unborn children in abortion clinics, but murdering a pregnant woman is DOUBLE HOMICIDE! Are you catching my drift here? Liberal Atheists like the ACLU only attack what does not fit their agendas. Now, I am not attempting to paint with a broad brush, and call all Democrats and liberals heathens, as that is clearly not the case, and I am not saying evolutionists are evil people, but it does seems to be the case in of the "Anti Christian Liberal Union".

Ah, the ACLU, how you help us thru life, where would we be without you helping PETA save the animals, and with assisting the IGLA with liberating the gays!!!! They poke their heads out of their proverbial holes only when the media gives them the opportunity to oppose Republican or Christian agenda or to support Anti-war, death penalty or pro-abortion events. It's the Jessie Jackson syndrome, showing up whenever it fits agenda, though Jessie looks as right wing as Rush Limbaugh compared to some of these folks.

I stated above that not all churches are conservative. The ACLU has even found a new ally of late in the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church, whom are no longer much help to their Christian counterparts, and often actually ally themselves against the rest of the Christian world. Note: I am speaking about the Catholic Church, not Catholics in general, many of who are embarrassed and outraged at their leaders. Many leaders of that church are spearheading the inclusion of homosexuals into their fold, which would not be the norm for those whom believe in God.... though Catholics usually consider themselves to be the equivalent of the neutral Swiss in a military war, i.e. not taking either the liberal or conservative side in both the War on Christmas, and Evolution vs. Creation, though in these two cases they seem to take the more secular humanist approach and "play it safe" by being "politically correct." Unfortunately, the Bible, though it says to respect the laws of the land you live in, says to follow GODS law, and they seem to have forgotten this fact, or maybe they just DONT CARE!

Has Christmas been "Commercialized?" Sure it has, but if it brings one person to see THE TRUTH every year, then I say GREAT! There are so many things pushing us away from Christ in our nation, at least one thing still nudges toward Him. No matter what anyone says, Christmas is founded, at least in part, on a celebration of Christ's Birth, and that is the bottom line. Christmas does NOT, by the way, celebrate the SPECIFIC DAY that Christ was born (guessed to be in April), yet the SIGNIFIGANCE of the event itself.

The 'Holiday Season’ as we know it today combines the birth of Christ with the Winter Solstice, called YULE in Europe (start of winter/solar year/rebirth of the sun) which was celebrated worldwide for over 2000 years, as well as January 6, which is celebrated as the EPIPHANY by Christians the world over which is linked with the visit of The Magi, a.k.a. the 3 wise men, whom came bringing gifts. A few other traditions are also mixed in to this batter, like the Dutch St. Nicholas, (Santa) and even the chronological closeness to Hanukkah and more recently Kwanzaa, as well as the Pagan European tradition of decorating a tree. So, we bake on high for a century or two and you have what we call modern Christmas. But would it be such a big deal without Christ? Likely NOT. Wishing someone a Merry Christmas, to me, is to claim I RECOGNIZE that it is the PRESENCE of CHRIST in the Holiday that makes it so special, yet doing it in a diplomatic and unintrusive manner. Now is that really so horrible?


Forgive my Rant and Rage. Don’t worry, I am prepared to and look forward to an opportunity to defend my post, so any comments are welcome from any point of view, and on any topic you feel strongly on.

Sooooo.... Anyone want a BMW?


At 6:45 PM, Blogger nsfl said...

Jason, a bit of (unsolicited) advice:
Write shorter, more coherent, less rambling, possibly point-centered posts.

Bragging about being a composition major, then writing as you did, was surprising.

Not trying to troll, just being honest.

On another note--you obviously do not have a scientific dispute with the case for common ancestry, instead solely a philosophical bent towards biblical literalism. If you ever care to cut-n-paste one of Ham or Sarfati's points, I will gladly demolish it using graphs, charts, pictures, and the scholarly authority of those who actually have a degree in the relevant field. Although I respect Sarfati's intellect, he is a P-chemist, not a biologist, and it shows.

SO instead of us going back and forth with you pulling YEC-organization references and me pulling academic ones, I would love to debate the philosophy of inerrancy, if you want. Let me know.

At 2:39 AM, Blogger nsfl said...

I'll take a BMW...what kind of "Blog Readership Discount" do you offer?

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Jasen M aka The Staple said...

seeing your standpoint, it will be a 2% over sticker deal.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Jasen M aka The Staple said...

The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge are one and the same, and to even state something like that is the ultimate hair splitting. And I did not quote anything, there are no quotation marks there.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Jasen M aka The Staple said...

by the by mr. morgan

there is no "philosophy of inerrancy" with the Bible. defense of that would be to easy, siting translatinal differences and differences in adaptation or comprehension of the text by the readers.

anyway, i am not and never claimed to be an expert on the Bible.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Jasen M aka The Staple said...

and also,

i would never "brag" about beinh and composition major, especially in my circle of friends.

my quote on that was meant to make a little fun of myself, seeing how i am not using my diploma in my field of sales.

maybe you should try it....


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